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Let our law firm file all your CorpDocuments(tm): Nonprofits (501c3), FL Corporations, LLCs, Trademarks, etc.


When must you qualify to do business in another state?

You must qualify your company to do business in a different state when it is engaged in intrastate business. That means at least a portion of your business is performed entirely inside another states borders.
However, a state cannot make you qualify to do business or pay taxes if you are only performing interstate business (this means all of your business is conducted across state lines and you only ship merchandise to another state). Even though each state has differing variations on when a business must qualify as a foreign business, they all rely on the same basic principle - companies must qualify if they perform intrastate business that is not incidental to larger interstate business activities.
If you have repeated business transactions within a certain state or a physical presence, you are seen as performing intrastate business and will be required to qualify in that state. Therefore, if your business owns real estate or your business pays employees in another state, you are engaged in business there and required to qualify to continue your business transactions in that state.
Additionally, the following business activities warrant a qualification of a foreign business:

- Construction companies performing business in another state are usually required to qualify there because they often maintain employees and offices there for several months to finish the contract.
- If you sell goods in another state and the inventory is held in that state, you will have to qualify in that state.
- If your company performs services or labor with a certain state, and they are not incidental to an interstate sale you will have to register to do business there.

Remember, if you fail to qualify to do business in a state when you should it can cost you thousands of dollars in fines.


We can qualify your nonprofit corporation in the state of your choice. Your corporation can be qualified as quick as 24 hours in some states. Please look at the section below to check the prices to qualify in other states.

Qualification Services

Texas $499.00 New York $699.00 Florida $485.00


We will qualify your corporation in the state of your choice. Some corporations can be qualified as quick as 24 hours depending on the state. Please look at the section below to check the prices to qualify in other states.

Qualification Services

Texas $1,150.00 New York $599.00 Florida $575.00


We will qualify your LLC in the state of your choice. The qualification process can be completed in 24 hours in some states. Please look at the section below to check the prices to qualify in other states.

Qualification Services

Texas $1,199.00 New York $725.00 Florida $675.00