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Let our law firm file all your CorpDocuments(tm): Nonprofits (501c3), TX Corporations, LLCs, Trademarks, etc.

Register a Trademark
Hire our Law Firm to register your trademark. We register trademarks for small, medium and large businesses.

Whether you're a traditional entrepreneur or leaping into the new era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered business doesn't matter. With almost 25 years of trademark experience, we can handle all of your trademark needs: trademark, registrations, renewals, licensing, assigning, franchising, etc. We are a fully licensed law firm, and we will complete all of the trademark work for you. Don't fall for non-attorney competitors who only support you as you do all of the work (why pay your hard-earned money to a third party only for you to do all of the work?)

Choose a Trademark Plan

Why Use Our Law Firm to Register your Trademark?

Trademarks help Shape the future brand of your business. By using our law office, you will benefit greatly in the following ways:

Efficient Legal Services

Why would you hand over your trademark filings to non-lawyers, particularly those who may merely seek advice from attorneys instead of ensuring these professionals directly file your trademark application?

Experienced Attorney

With more than twenty years of experience in trademark filing, we stand by our service. Should your trademark application be declined by the USPTO, we will resubmit it without any additional attorney fees.

Proven Success Rate

For almost 25 years clients have depended on us to file their trademarks. We are highly rated on Alignable and have a A+ Rating with the BBB and 5 star ratings across the board – Google, Facebook, Avvo, Martindale, Nolo, Cybo, BirdsEye, and

Cost-effective legal assistance for trademark filings.
Trademark filings, starting at $699.00 Plus filing fees.

Register Your Trademark

Which type of trademark are you looking to register? Please select from the listed trademark categories. For multiple types, a separate order is required for each after finalizing your purchase.

Trademarks are classified into several categories, each aimed at protecting distinct features that set a brand's products or services apart from those of competitors. Here is an organized outline of the main types of trademarks:

1. Word Marks/Standard Character Marks (including Slogans) $699.00 Plus filing fee
    - Description: Consist of words, letters, numbers, or their combinations without any claim to font style, size, or color.
    - Purpose: To protect the textual content itself, irrespective of how it is presented.

2. Design Marks/Logos $799.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Safeguard a specific graphical logo or design used by a brand.
    - Focus: On visual elements rather than text.

3. Composite Marks $799.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Combine text and design elements.
    - Purpose: To protect the specific arrangement of words and graphics together.

4. Shape Marks $799.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Protect the unique three-dimensional shape of a product or its packaging.
    - Focus: On distinctive physical shapes that are uniquely identifiable.

5. Sound Marks $899.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Trademarks that protect unique sounds associated with a brand.
    - Requirement: The sound must be distinctive and recognizably connected to the brand's products or services.

6. Color Marks $899.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Protect the use of specific colors or combinations of colors on goods or their packaging.
    - Requirement: Must demonstrate distinctiveness as an identifier of the brand.

7. Scent Marks $999.00 Plus Filing Fee
    - Description: Less common, these marks protect unique fragrances associated with a brand's goods or services.
    - Requirement: The scent must serve as a distinctive trademark, not merely a functional aspect of the product.

8. Trademarks created by AI technology. $999 Plus Filing Fee.
    - Description: Registration of A.I. Based creations.
    - Purpose: Help meet criteria for A.I. based creations that must prove uniqueness.

Choose a Trademark Plan

When you hire our law firm we will handle the hard work, making your trademark experience easy. The trademark process (roadmap) is as follows:

• You hire us to complete your trademark search. We proceed to conduct the complex and tedious trademark clearance search before you file a trademark application. For instance, our law offices conduct a trademark search on almost 200 industrial databases, covering the federal searches, 50 state searches and common law searches.
• After the search, we will render a legal opinion to you letting you know of our findings.
• ​We will complete the required description and classification of your goods or services you are offering in relation to your trademark name.
• ​Help you create and Confirm your specimen meets Federal requirements by making sure your customers directly associate your trademark with your goods or services.
• ​Help you determine if your trademark is properly in use in commerce or not in use in commerce.
• ​If you have a logo that is being trademarked, we will navigate the Design Search Code Manual to help with trademark search and registration.
• ​Accurately prepare and submit your trademark application.
• ​Respond to legal correspondence from the Federal Trademark offices (office actions).
• ​Keep you informed during the Federal processing of your trademark application by giving you updates and completing status checks.

What is a Federal Trademark?

A trademark in the United States is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. Trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, a voucher, or on the product itself.
Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights. At the national level, trademark protection can be obtained through registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Trademarks prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but cannot prevent others from making the same goods or from selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark.
In the U.S., obtaining a trademark involves several steps, including conducting a search for similar trademarks, applying with the USPTO, and potentially responding to refusals or oppositions to the registration. Once a trademark is registered, it lasts indefinitely as long as you continue to use the mark in commerce and defend it against infringement.
The symbol ™ (the trademark symbol) can be used when trademark rights are claimed in relation to a mark, but the mark has not been registered with the government trademark office of a particular country. Once the trademark is registered with the USPTO, the ® symbol can be used.

How long can trademark rights last?

A federal trademark registration can last indefinitely as long as the owner Can prove they have continuously, without interruption, the mark to identify its goods or services and submits all necessary maintenance documents.
However, these documents include an "Affidavit of Use" or "Section 8 Declaration," which must be filed between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date, and an application for renewal or "Section 9 Renewal," which must be filed every 10 years after the registration date.
If these requirements aren't met, the trademark registration could be cancelled. Failure to continue to use the mark in commerce (or not be able to prove said use) can also result in cancellation. Therefore, while the trademark could technically last forever, it requires active effort on the part of the owner to maintain the registration. We can complete the trademark renewal for $599 plus filing fees.
Brand Consultation. Any time you want to change how your trademark appears on your website or other advertising it is a good idea to receive legal counsel on the matter so that you do not accidentally stop properly using your trademark in the eyes of the Federal Government. We can complete this review for $499.



A trademark typically protects brand names and logos used on goods and services. The purpose of a trademark is to allow companies to indicate the source of their goods or services and to distinguish them from others in the industry.


A patent, on the other hand, is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling and importing an invention for a limited period of years. There are three main types of patents: utility patents (for new machines, chemicals, etc.), design patents (for new, original, and ornamental designs for an article of manufacture), and plant patents (for new plant varieties). The invention must meet certain standards of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility.


Copyrights protect original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. It does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, but it may protect the way these things are expressed. Copyright law generally gives the owner the exclusive right to reproduce the work, to create derivative works, to distribute copies, and to perform or display the work publicly. To summarize, trademarks protect brand identities, patents protect inventions, and copyrights protect original creative works. If you're interested in any of these protections for your own intellectual property, you should consult with a legal expert to understand the specifics of the law and the process involved in your jurisdiction, as it can vary widely.

Trademark Scope of Protection

Trademarks are typically associated with specific goods or services, as they are used to identify and distinguish those goods or services from those of others. A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design (or a combination of these) that identifies and distinguishes the source of specific goods (a "trademark" per se) or services (a "service mark"). This helps consumers to recognize the source of the products or services, and it's a way for companies to build their brand identity and reputation. Trademarks do not provide the holder with a monopoly over a certain type of good or service, but rather over the specific branding of that good or service.
However, it's important to note that a trademark's protection only extends to the categories of goods and services for which it is registered. This means if a company wants to use its trademark in connection with a different category of goods or services, it often needs to register the mark for those categories as well. Finally, to maintain a trademark, the owner needs to actively use it in commerce in connection with the registered goods or services. Otherwise they risk losing their rights to the mark due to non-use.
However, it's important to note that a trademark's protection only extends to the categories of goods and services for which it is registered. This means if a company wants to use its trademark in connection with a different category of goods or services, it often needs to register the mark for those categories as well. Finally, to maintain a trademark, the owner needs to actively use it in commerce in connection with the registered goods or services. Otherwise they risk losing their rights to the mark due to non-use.


A trademark can play a crucial role in transforming your marketing efforts in several ways: Distinct Brand Identity: A trademark helps create a distinct and recognizable brand identity for your products or services. It sets your brand apart from competitors and allows consumers to easily identify and remember your offerings.

Brand Recognition: Over time, a well-promoted trademark becomes synonymous with your brand name and reputation. This recognition can significantly boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, as consumers are more likely to choose brands they recognize and trust.

Consumer Trust: Trademarks can build trust with consumers. When customers see your trademark, they associate it with a consistent level of quality and reliability, which can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Brand Loyalty: A strong trademark can foster brand loyalty. Customers who have positive experiences with your products or services are more likely to stick with your brand, reducing the need to spend extensively on acquiring new customers.

Marketing Campaigns: Trademarks can be central to your marketing campaigns. They provide a recognizable visual element that can be incorporated into advertising materials, promotional items, and online marketing efforts. This consistency helps reinforce your brand message.

Legal Protection: Having a registered trademark provides legal protection against unauthorized use or infringement of your brand. This protection allows you to take legal action if others try to use your trademark or a confusingly similar one, helping to safeguard your brand's integrity.

Global Expansion: Trademarks can be valuable assets when expanding into international markets. They provide protection for your brand in different countries, allowing you to establish a consistent global presence.

Product Line Extension: If you introduce new products or services under your trademark, it can leverage the trust and recognition already associated with your brand. This can make it easier to market and sell new offerings to your existing customer base.

Marketing Efficiency: Recognizable trademarks can streamline your marketing efforts and reduce advertising costs. Consumers are more likely to engage with and respond to marketing materials that feature a familiar brand logo or name.

Credibility and Professionalism: A registered trademark adds a level of professionalism and credibility to your marketing efforts. It signals to customers that your brand is serious and committed to long-term success.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Well-established trademarks can open doors to partnerships and collaborations with other businesses or influencers, expanding your reach and customer base.

Online Presence: In the digital age, a trademark can help protect your online presence, including your website and social media accounts, from unauthorized use or impersonation.

In summary, a trademark is a valuable tool that can enhance your marketing efforts by establishing a strong brand identity, building trust and loyalty, and providing legal protection. It serves as a foundation for effective marketing campaigns and helps your brand stand out in a competitive marketplace.

Form your Trademark Now!

Federal Trademark Registration in the United States does confer a number of important advantages. Here are some key benefits:

1. Public Notice of Ownership: The public record of your registration serves as a notice to the rest of the country that you own the trademark. This can deter others from using a similar mark and can help support a legal claim of trademark infringement if that becomes necessary.
2. Presumption of Ownership: With federal registration, there's a legal presumption that you own the trademark and have exclusive rights to use it nationwide in connection with the goods/services listed in the registration. This can be particularly important if you need to enforce your trademark rights.
3. Listing in the USPTO Database: Registration puts your trademark in the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) online databases. This is one of the first places other businesses check when considering new trademarks, so registration can help prevent others from trying to register a confusingly similar mark.
4. Ability to Bring an Action in Federal Court: If you need to sue for trademark infringement, having a federal registration allows you to bring the lawsuit in federal court. In some cases, you can also recover more damages if you have a federal trademark registration.
5. Use of the ® Symbol: Once your trademark is registered, you can use the federal registration symbol ®, which further signals to others that your mark is protected. It can also serve as a deterrent to potential infringers.
6. Basis for Foreign Registration: If you're looking to expand your business internationally, a U.S. federal trademark registration can serve as a good basis for obtaining trademark registration in foreign countries.
7. Ability to Record with U.S. Customs and Border Protection: A federal registration allows you to record your trademark with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which can help prevent the importation of infringing foreign goods.
8. Incontestability: After five years of continuous and substantially exclusive use, a registered trademark becomes "incontestable" (subject to certain limited exceptions). This provides additional legal advantages and makes it harder for others to challenge the validity of the mark.

What Can You Trademark?

You can trademark various types of intellectual property to protect your brand and creations. The most common things that can be trademarked include:

Words or Names (Standard Character Marks): You can trademark words, names, phrases, slogans, and business names. These trademarks are often referred to as "standard character marks" because they protect the text itself, regardless of the font or style used.

Logos and Symbols (Stylized Marks): Logos, symbols, and graphic designs can be trademarked as stylized marks. These marks protect the specific visual representation of your brand or business.

Combination Marks: Many trademarks combine both words and logos to create a unique brand identity. These are referred to as combination marks and offer protection for both the text and the specific design elements.

Sounds: Unique sound marks, such as jingles or distinctive sounds associated with a brand, can be trademarked. These are relatively rare but offer protection for audio brand elements.

Colors: In some cases, specific colors associated with a brand can be trademarked. However, this is more challenging and typically requires a strong association between the color and the brand.

Product Packaging: The distinctive packaging of a product can be trademarked, including the shape, color scheme, and overall appearance of the packaging.

Trade Dress: Trade dress refers to the distinctive visual appearance of a product or its packaging that distinguishes it from competitors. This can include product design, packaging, and overall presentation.

Service Marks: Service marks are used to protect services rather than physical goods. They can include the name of a service, logos, or symbols associated with a service.

Certification Marks: Certification marks are used to indicate that a product or service meets certain standards or criteria established by a certifying organization. These marks ensure consistency and quality.

Collective Marks: Collective marks are used by groups, associations, or organizations to identify products or services provided by members of the group. These marks indicate a common source of origin. It's important to note that not everything can be trademarked. Trademarks cannot be generic terms, descriptive phrases that lack distinctiveness, or offensive symbols or words. Additionally, trademarks must be used in commerce to identify and distinguish your goods or services from those of others. When considering trademark registration, it's advisable to consult with a trademark attorney or use the services of a trademark professional to navigate the process effectively, ensure eligibility, and maximize your protection. Trademarks are valuable assets for brand identity and should be chosen and protected carefully.

Form your Trademark Now!


Strong Trademarks

Strong trademarks are unique and distinctive, making them easily recognizable as a source identifier for goods and services. This includes: 1. Fanciful Marks: These are invented words with no dictionary or other known meaning. These are the strongest types of trademarks because they're inherently distinctive. 2. Arbitrary Marks: These are real words, but they have no logical connection to the goods or services they represent.

Acceptable Trademarks

Acceptable trademarks may not be as distinctive as strong trademarks, but they're still capable of distinguishing the source of goods or services: 1. Suggestive Marks: These marks hint at the quality or another aspect of the underlying product or service without directly describing the product or service.

Unacceptable Trademarks

Unacceptable trademarks are those that cannot be registered due to various reasons: 1. Generic Marks: These are common, everyday names for goods and services. 2. Descriptive Marks: These directly describe the product or service or some aspect of it. However, they can become protected if they acquire secondary meaning in consumers' minds—meaning consumers come to identify the mark specifically with your product or service. 3. Deceptive Marks: These are misleading or likely to deceive consumers about the nature, quality, or geographic origin of the goods or services. 4. Scandalous or Immoral Marks: These are marks that are offensive or violate societal norms or morality. 5. Likely to Cause Confusion: If a proposed trademark is too similar to an existing registered trademark, it may be rejected because it is likely to cause confusion in the minds of consumers.


What are you waiting for? File for your trademark today! Obtaining a trademark can provide several advantages that can help you gain a competitive edge over your rivals in the business world: Exclusive Rights: A registered trademark gives you exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the goods or services it covers. This exclusivity prevents others from using a confusingly similar mark, reducing the risk of customer confusion and dilution of your brand.

Brand Recognition: A trademark helps establish and reinforce brand recognition. Customers are more likely to choose products or services from a brand they recognize and trust. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.

Credibility and Trust: A registered trademark adds a level of professionalism and credibility to your brand. It signals to customers that your brand is legitimate and committed to quality and consistency.

Legal Protection: A trademark provides a legal foundation for protecting your brand. If competitors attempt to use a mark that is similar to yours, you have the legal grounds to take action against infringement, protecting your market share.

Prevention of Copycats: Trademark registration acts as a deterrent to potential copycats or competitors who may consider using a similar mark. Knowing that your trademark is protected can discourage others from attempting to imitate your brand.

Marketing and Advertising: A trademark can be a powerful marketing tool. It allows you to build advertising campaigns and promotional materials around a recognizable brand, making your marketing efforts more effective.

Expansion Opportunities: With a registered trademark, you have a strong foundation for expanding your business, both nationally and internationally. It can be easier to enter new markets or offer additional products or services under the same brand.

Brand Loyalty: A well-protected trademark can foster brand loyalty. Customers who have positive experiences with your brand are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates, recommending your products or services to others.

Value and Asset: A registered trademark can add significant value to your business. It can be considered an intangible asset, increasing the overall worth of your company, which can be valuable for investors, lenders, or potential buyers.

Protection from Counterfeiting: Trademarks can help protect your brand from counterfeit products or services, which can be damaging to your reputation and bottom line.

Global Expansion: If you plan to expand internationally, a registered trademark can simplify the process and provide protection in foreign markets.

In summary, a registered trademark can provide a competitive advantage by protecting your brand, enhancing customer trust and loyalty, and deterring competitors from using similar marks. It's a valuable tool for building and safeguarding your brand's reputation and market position.

call us or choose a Trademark Online Now.