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Let our law firm file all your CorpDocuments(tm): Nonprofits (501c3), TX Corporations, LLCs, Trademarks, etc.

Choose the Trademark Plan that Meets your Needs

Word Marks, Standard Character Marks, Slogans


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Consist of words, letters, numbers, or their combinations without any claim to font style, size, or color.

  • Purpose
  • To protect the textual content itself, irrespective of how it is presented.

Register Word Marks

Design Marks, Logos


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Ensure the protection and preservation of a distinct graphical logo or design employed by a particular brand.

  • Focus
  • On visual elements rather than text.

Register Design/Logo Marks

Composite Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Combine text and design elements for a composite mark.

  • Purpose
  • To protect the specific arrangement of words and graphics together.

Register Composite Marks

Shape Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Protect the unique three-dimensional shape of a product or its packaging.

  • Focus
  • On distinctive shapes that are uniquely identifiable.

Register Shape Marks

Sound Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Trademarks that protect unique sounds associated with a brand.

  • Requirement
  • The sound must be distinctive and recognizably connected to the brand's products or services.

Register Sound Marks

Color Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Protect the use of specific colors or combinations of colors on goods or their packaging.

  • Requirement
  • Must demonstrate distinctiveness as an identifier of the brand.

Register Color Marks

Scent Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • Less common, these marks protect unique fragrances associated with a brand's goods or services.

  • Requirement
  • The scent must serve as a distinctive trademark, not merely a functional aspect of the product.

Register Scent Marks

Artificial Intelligence Marks


Plus Filing Fee

  • Description:
  • For a trademark to be registrable, it must be distinctive and not merely functional or descriptive. AI-generated trademarks must meet these criteria, proving that they can uniquely identify the source of goods or services to.

Register A.I. Marks