In the case of a corporation, a fictitious business name is any name other than the corporate name stated in its articles of incorporation. No fictitious business name may include the words "corporation," "Inc.," "incorporation," or "Corp.".
Persons Required to File
Every person who regularly transacts business in this state for profit under a fictitious business name must file. Corporations do not file unless doing business under a name other than the corporate name.
The Fee for a Florida Fictitious name is $125.00 and normally takes about two weeks to get it in your hands. If you need it quicker, we can complete the process in 4 business days for an additional $75.00 dollars, 2 Business days for an additional $150.00 and same day service for an additional $225.00. Call today 1-877-845-0621
When a client orders a fictitious name they must then immediately place a onetime ad in a major newspaper in the county where their company is located stating the name of their company and that it has the intent to do business under a fictitious name, and you must disclose the fictitious name as well.